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- NCSA Mosaic for the Macintosh 2.0.0 ALPHA2
- The Alpha 2 version of NCSA Mosaic for the Macintosh 2.0 was
- released Wednesday, June 22, 1994.
- This is an ALPHA release, therefore there are many new features or
- bugs that you will need to be aware of to make your use of the new
- release a pleasant experience. You may encounter problems that
- will cause your machine to crash. You may not find certain aspects
- of the program aesthetically pleasing, and the program will trash
- your current preferences.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Please make a copy of your 1.0.3 preferences file (Mosaic
- Preferences) before using the alpha version.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- We will continue to keep the comprehensive Known Bugs page as up-
- to-date as possible . To help us do this, please email us with any
- problems you find that are not related to those listed on the known
- bugs page. Use the Mail Developers feature from the File menu, or
- email to mac-mosaic@ncsa.uiuc.edu. Note: Please check that the
- email address is correct before sending mail via the Mail Developers
- option. Thanks!. Otherwise we will be unable to respond to you if the
- email address is incorrect.
- -----------------------------------------
- NCSA Mosaic is available via anonymous ftp. Please enter
- 'anonymous' as
- the name and your complete email address as the password.
- site: ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu
- location: /Mosaic/Mac
- The NCSA ftp server is being overloaded with requests for the Mosaic
- software. Because of this, you may get an error message. Please wait
- a while and try again when the server may not be as busy. As an
- alternative, you may wish to try one of the following unofficial
- mirror sites.
- USA:
- site: sunsite.unc.edu
- location: /pub/packages/infosystems/WWW (all versions)
- Canada:
- site: journal.biology.carleton.ca
- location: /pub/mirrors/ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Mosaic (all versions)
- Australia:
- site: miriworld.its.unimelb.edu.au
- location: /pub/clients/ (all versions)
- Europe:
- site: ftp.luth.se
- location: /pub/infosystems/www/ncsa (all versions)
- site: ftp.sunet.se
- location: /pub/mac/Mosaic (mac version)
- /pub/pc/windows/www/Mosaic/ (pc version)
- /pub/www/Mosaic (X version)
- -------------------------------
- To UnStuff & UnBinHex NCSA Mosaic we recommend that you use
- StuffIt Expander. The expander is available at ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu and
- other ftp sites. To unbinhex StuffIt Expander you will also need
- binhex.macbinary (which can be found in /Mac/Utilities at
- ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu).
- ==========================
- 2.0.0 ALPHA 2 Release Features
- Bug Fixes
- -------------
- Pagination is much cleaner
- FORMS - fixed
- Download speed is improved. With Auto Load Images turned on, the
- images are downloaded before anything is displayed. This should be
- fixed in a future release.
- Jumping to named anchors works
- Email addresses no longer get scrambled in the preferences file
- Style of first line of normal text no longer changes upon resize
- Fixed bug related to Mosaic not allowing subsequent links after an
- initial one failed
- Links now work on local documents
- Text selection has been fixed
- Fixed problem with Quit option being grayed out often
- Pop up menus have been fixed, however, clicking on the right hand
- side of a pop up menu will not activate it.
- Speech recognition has been turned off until Apple releases 1.2.1 of
- the speech recognition extension.
- Authentication is working
- Adding to a hotlist before opening the hotlist dialog does not cause a
- crash
- -----------------------
- If you hold down option while Mosaic is starting up, it will bring up a
- standard open file dialog box for a document to open from the local
- disk
- instead of the default home page.
- For a complete list of new features implemented for the 2.0.0
- release, see 2.0.0 Alpha1 release information below.
- ----------------------
- Save As...HTML is still broken
- text files are not displayed properly
- Printing bugs still exist (only one page will print, grayscale option
- causes printout to be 1/2 gray)
- Still not handling out-of-memory properly
- Styles dialog is still too big for smaller screens.
- Speech recognition has been turned off until Apple releases 1.2.1 of
- the speech recognition extension.
- Search box is still gone
- IsMap is still not mapping correctly
- Canceling has been temporarily disabled.
- Copy is not working still
- Text selection not always correct
- Transparent icons are not supported yet.
- Custom menus are not implemented yet; working on it.
- Passwords are still visible
- Import & export of hotlists is not implemented
- Captions on tables is not implemented
- Extracting from cache is slow
- On a write protected file server, cannot complete QUIT "because you
- don't have the necessary access privileges".
- BLOCKQUOTE initially shows up as size 30 point type.
- Inlined images occationally don't appear or are blank squares.
- FEATURE LIST for 2.0.0 Alpha1
- --------------------------------------------
- Forms
- Tables
- Strikethru, Superscript, and Subscript support
- Improved Error Reporting
- Improved Pagination
- User Configurable Color Background (default color is now gray)
- New Hotlist Interface (access from the Navigate menu)
- Custom Menus (not fully implemented)
- Quick Keys (more command key sequences added)
- Firewall Proxy support (including SOCKS support and standard
- gateway support)
- URL entries (users can now make URL entries in the URL field at the
- top of the screen when Show URLs is on. Hitting return activates the
- link.)
- ODOC event support, and Applescript Open URL support with the
- option to load to disk
- Open URL: Mosaic now remembers last URL entered into the Open
- URL window
- Options Menu
- Use This URL for Home: Allows you to select the current document to
- be used as the new home page. This is automatically saved in the
- preferences file.
- Use Header Mode: This feature allows you to get additional
- information about a link without causing you to connect to that link.
- The information, which includes: file type, modification date, file size,
- and server information, appears in a separate window.
- There are two ways to access it: 1) Through the Options Menu, turn
- Use Header Mode on, then click on a link to get the information. 2)
- When Use Header Mode is off, command-click on a link to access the
- same information.
- Preferences
- The preferences window has been completely rewritten to make it
- easier to modify.
- The preferences dialog has been divided into a series of functional
- categories. These include: Miscellaneous, Links, Directories, Gates.
- (more to be added later)
- Background Color: now user modifiable
- Global History List: Mosaic now maintains a history of links between
- sessions. The user can determine the number of entries that may be
- included in the Global History, or they may choose to remove files
- from the Global History that are older than 'n' days.
- Link Colors: Visited link colors fade to the unvisited link colors as
- they mature. This may be turned on or off as desired.
- Set Hotlist Directory: Set this to a folder that contains your hotlists
- and all hotlists will be readily available in the new hotlist window.
- No need to load each one individually!
- FIREWALL: You can set Mosaic to use CERN Proxy Service or SOCKS
- service!
- Styles: The styles window has been completely rewritten to make it
- easier to use.
- Special Features
- Speech Recognition: This has been implemented and will be available
- as soon as Apple releases their Speech Recognition extension. This
- feature has not been turned on in this alpha release.
- WISH LIST for the final 2.0 release
- --------------------------------------------
- Save window size and location between sessions
- Confirm box to verify that the user really wants to close the current
- Mosaic window
- Remember last entered item in the Find window
- Reload button